Athletic Registration

For First Time User's Only

  1. Fill out the registration form.
  2. Submit.

Note: If you previously created an account and want to add a sibling or new student, login to your family account.  DO NOT create a separate account. 


Family Account Login for Returning Users

To register the same student:

  1. Login to your family account.
  2. Click "Register" link (blue paper and pencil icon) and choose the “name of student” from its drop-down.
  3. The form will auto-populate the answers based on your previously submitted registration.  Please review and edit the answers if needed.
  4. Choose the sport/s and answer other required information. Submit.   

To add a new student to your family account:

  1. Login to your family account.
  2. Click "Register" link (blue paper and pencil icon) and choose "Register a New Student" from its drop-down.
  3. Fill out the registration form. Submit.

Note:  If you forgot your username or password, click the link to reset it. Do not create a NEW account.